Minimalism, this has been an inspiration as of lately. Its a bit of a trend the last few years with Kon Mari and people living in small houses and selling everything and traveling the world. I followed a few social media accounts and read Kon Mari book and have been so inspired by Tiny House Living. But when it came to my life I organized a closet donated a few extra things, but continue to fall victim of consumerism. I love to shop and buy! I love to be inspired by new things and try it out! We have an unfinished basement and I love to store my crap I never use! My husband is an absolute HOARDER but he contains himself to his own spaces. But let me tell you our garage is not usable!
So fast forward a year or 2 and I am expecting baby #2 and they are going to have to share a room. No biggie.... tons of kids do it.... except that room also has to double as their play room because doing daycare I cannot leave any toys out or mix with daycare toys or my sassy miss Bryn has a melt down. I let her have control over her toys. I believe its important and I won't go into it in this convo. So anyways, the pressure of rearranging got to me and I had a toy meltdown! I walk into our bedroom which holds ALL OF our office stuff, the baby stuff I have to go through, 2 boxes of crap I need to go through, all of my vanity items, all my hair stuff, my waxing station, my printer, my desk, my files, our safe, 2 TVS, all of our spare linnen and blankets and pillows, closet over flow stuff, and of course all of my husband and my clothes with 2 dressers and a night stand. HOW CAN ALL OF THIS FIT IN 1 TINY MASTER BEDROOM!??? not much walking room let me tell you......
So now I am in Toy hell and bedroom hell..... and I walk into our 3rd bedroom and that is the playroom for my daycare which holds ALL OF THE DAYCARE THINGS! I have worked on organizing that and it isn't stressing me out, but there is NO EXTRA room. My living room is full but it has been worked on. My kitchen needs so much help. OVER FLOWING, but I have been working on that too. Then there is our unfinished basement.... way too full. That was it. I lost it. I wanted a bigger house or a finished basement to move to the daycare down there, and make myself an office....
God spoke to me in a moment I wasn't even calling on him.... all of this material items and wanting a bigger house and to spend money we don't have finishing a basement to be able to fill it up with more stuff. I'm not really doing any good with my money that way. I am not serving God. I am not living simply the way God has impressed on my heart. I believe God wants me to learn to live with less and to give more. To serve in people and show love in God's name. Why can't we do better with what we have. Get rid of some stuff and live more simply and less stressfully with less and do more so serve God and spread his love. Life is not about a nice house. Life is not about material possessions or lots of land or living our dream worldy life. Its not about vacations and nice cars. Its not about keeping up with the Jones. I often feel that we are more broke than most people. Which we probably do have less money than the average middle class Minnesotan. But we certainly aren't doing terribly. We aren't spending wisely. We aren't saving and our priorities are messed up. I really want to fix this!
I am going to start praying to get out of the hole of an untouched to do list and far off dreams. I am going to start praying to be lead to get on top of life.
I am a Type A person trapped in consumerism and overwhelmed with to do lists that I can't stay on top of. Its time I simplify my life and get on top of it so I may prosper and go where God calls!