Well its been a month. And I didn't really start until mid January. I quit almosting and I DID. Now I did not do it perfectly, but I am trying my best. I am eating clean foods and no gluten or dairy, and I almost no grains. I am not getting hung up on the rules because if I think I failed then I will quit. So I just know my goals and I do my best.
I have had 1 all out cheat day. Including beers and bar food. I regretted that day from the moment it ended. And it took me 1 week to lose the bloating it caused!
Let me tell you its been a journey!!! I went through MAJOR detox and withdrawals for GLUTEN! You guys I didn't really eat that much gluten! But apparently I ate enough!! And if I wasn't eating gluten I was replacing it with rice or other grains. This time I'm trying to stay away from grains all together and eating moderate carbs. Under 100 grams of carbs to be specific. I was combining some liver detox supplements along with a natural laxative to help me detox and drinking 3-5 cups of dandelion root mint tea to help me detox as well. Also taking spirulina and all my hormone related supplements. Taking bitters, and enzymes, and probiotics to heal the gut in the process. I have fermented my own veggies and drinking goats milk kefir in my bone broth smoothies. all of this adding to the detox effects. I was an emotional mess!!! And I was NOT expecting that!!! I litterally cried and screamed in private for days! Most importantly I cried out to God. He came to me in these low moments and reassured me I would get through and that bigger better things are coming and this is part of the journey he wants me on. I was able to carry on and eating at home is getting remarkably easy!!! I still struggle with being out of the house or when I don't want to cook. I also still over eat and haven't had any weight loss. But my grain free low carb life is suprisingly easy! I still stuggle with sugar. Even if its a clean form I'm consuming too much and for a women with insulin resistance I'd like to consume as little as possible.
Calorie wise I'd like to stay under 1800 calories and preferably between 1500-1600. I'm trying to stay under 100grams a day of carbs. I am trying to eat more than 100 grams of protein and trying to stay under 75 grams of healthy fats. I'd like at least 40g of fiber, and under 40g of sugar. There is no name for this diet. It is not a specific protocol. Its just the Randi way. After so much research and reading and wondering on all ends of the spectrum this is what I came up with for myself. Going forward I will pray on these things more and more and change what God leads me to do. I would like to give a lot of credit to Dr. Axe and his Leaky Gut protocol as well as Melissa Ramos and her programs for information and inspiration on how I want to go about doing these things. The macros and calories I came up with on my own through good old google reasearch. It is NOT conventional and NOT what a dietician would recommend. But because of the healing way of eating and needing lower carbs and no gluten or dairy and incorporating more healthy fats I needed to change things around from what they recommend. And I just am not on board with the keto way of life or low carb high fat. My body just does not feel good after consuming foods this way. So I am finding my balance somewhere in the middle.
I'm finding my biggest component to my life right now is God. If I focus on him everything else just seems to fall into place. I'm really learning there needs to be balance. Physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health balance. And I am finding the way to all of these things is God. If I focus on my spirtual health and pray about the rest it just falls into place. I'm reading the Book Made to Crave by Lysa Turkeurst. AMAZING book! I highly recommend it!
I am so proud of you!! You can do it! Love you sista!