Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Husbnd inspired health goals

I've been worried about my hubby lately. Especially because he has lost a lot of weight and he just doesn't seem to have an appetite. I also feel like hes been a bit depressed and lacking motivation and self worth. This has been a battle for quite some time. It changes over all the years I have known him, but suddenly I have put some more thought into and am planning to have a chat with him and put a plan together with food goals and supplements and that sort of thing to hopefully wanting to live healthier. He doesn't really care about his own health so this will be interesting conversation to have. But I am praying he will be receptive, and I have women praying he will be receptive.

Isn't it funny how the love of someone else can inspire change in yourself when you at first didn't deem yourself worth it. I have been battling some serious weight gain issues and old food habits flooding back! I have been ignoring them, but feeling so worried for my hubby I am thinking we need to make some family changes.

I have been on a holistic journey for years. And it just fell apart this fall. Then I got pregnant! My weight is piling on faster than I keep track of! Its terrifying! I am getting in some nutrition of course for the baby, but my treats are out of control. So is my caloric intake! oye vey!!! Weight is really really hard for me to lose. And cutting certain foods is really really hard for me to do.

My daughter does not eat fruits or veggies and overly loves carbs and sugar. But can survive off meat alone! She loves her MEAT!

But I find concentrating on food so much is just exhausting! I feel like my worship is just off. I need to not focus so much on food and focus more on God and go where he leads me.

Then again maybe this is it. Health for the a whole family. Serving my husband as part of it. Previously I left my hubby out of it. I'm still not sure where I am on the wellness journey. I'd say overall still discouraged and disappointed in myself. But I still have faith God will show me direction, and maybe one of these days I will stop being blind to it.

Monday, April 9, 2018

Weekend progress Am I nesting?!

I am not sure whats up, but the inspiration of minimalism and the energy back in second trimester has me on a roll in my house! I have official plans and goals for kids room my room and bathroom! Also for the basement, but we won't be starting there quite yet!

In the last few weeks I have gone through all of my clothes and reorganized them. I have bought maternity clothes and decluttered more in my room. I have decluttered Bryns room and rearranged and completely made room for baby!

This weekend I tackled the kids closet and made room for baby and went through Bryn's clothes and reorganized all of that. I am loving her system! Albeit 2 kids with tons of drawers organizers and no dressers in a closet is a bit crowded, I am fully confident that this system is going to work perfect for me!

I will put together a room tour soon!

This weekend I also decided I was sick of the hidden clutter in my kitchen so I pulled it all out and addressed it and the cluttery back counter now looks pretty good! I slightly decluttered the top of the fridge, but there is still a basket of junk up there I didn't have the time or energy to get to. While I was at it I re-seasoned my cast iron and made another batch of iced red raspberry  leaf tea.

Kids Closet. Bryn's clothes on bottom and room  for baby on top!

Everything I decluttered in the kitchen! Then the lovely clear counters afterwards. I know I could still minimize more, but that is what is most useful to me. 

boiling my tea and after I put all the bacon fat on my pans. 

Monday, April 2, 2018

Easter Bunnies, Santa Claus tooth fairy ect...

I didn't want my child to believe in any of these things. It takes away from the true meaning of the holiday and you are lying to your kid. I just don't like it. My husband and I both come from families that go all out for santa and easter bunny ect. So right away Bryn was exposed to these ideas. Then she sees them in malls cartoons her tablet, and I run a daycare and the kids talk non stop about these characters. So naturally she fully believes and knows all about them! I tell her its just for fun and the real reason we celebrate is for Jesus, she has yet to lose teeth, and so far she is accepting things as this and hasn't questioned anymore.

Along comes the season for Elves on the shelf. All of my daycare families have elves.... and all the kids talk about it. So we got her the Shepherd! Its been such a blessing! She gets to participate in the fun and yet he focuses her on Jesus and teachings of that nature. I tried staying away from "Sheppy is magic" ect. But of course she has heard all about that too and fully believes in his magic. She loves Sheppy. From Christmas to Easter she has mentioned him dozens of times. After Easter now she has cried twice because she misses him. Its really helped bridge that gap! We still don't mention santa or bunny, but Sheppy takes center stage and she doesn't remember that we didn't mention him. It really helps us to bring the focus back to Jesus. Of course when the daycare parents or grandparents ask if the Easter Bunny or Santa came she always says yes and gives them the credit for everything. I decided I am not going to burst her bubble. I am going to just keep down playing things and saying its just for fun and she'll grow up and figure out that I never ever said they are real. Maybe she'll have more questions maybe she won't. I guess we'll just cross that bridge when we get there.