Monday, January 8, 2018

2017 Reflection and 2018 goals

I went back and read my post about 2016 and my goals for 2017. Another stagnant year for wellness and financial and personal goals!!! oye....

For my health goals in 2017 I was not successful in the gut healing protocols. I was halfass... In spring I went keto and had GREAT success! which all went south in the summer, and by winter I had gained ALL of my weight back and my eating habits were ATROCIOUS again.

My financial goals we did not meet and my Dad bailed us out with a generous Christmas gift! So we in 1 swoop paid off taxes and credit card debts. We did make some head way on our medical expenses and were able to set up an HSA which will be really helpful in our future. We will still owe taxes for 2017 though.... Which sucks, but we have time to pay that off before maternity leave.

For my personal goals we did get north side of the house landscaping done, and I would say we made progress on our daily routines, but no where near where we want to be!

Overall for 2017 I am happy. My main mission was pregnancy and that was accomplished with days to spare! I grew HUGELY Faith wise and nothing can be more important than that! Church volunteer jobs have really been kicked up a notch and I am LOVING it!  I have remained very happy with my home and work life and no major health issues or surgeries this year! I had about 3 months of struggle this summer and into beginning of fall. It was like a spiritual war was going on in my mind and heart. I eventually just prayed for deliverance and deliverance is what came. It was a definite learning experience and proof great growth is to come as Satan tried HARD to hold me back! God always prevails! I must work harder to stay closer to God so I am not so tempted to stray in the future! I really didn't realize I had such weakness! All these old temptations of my past life just revisited. Glad to say its GONE and all thanks is to GOD because I was too weak to overcome myself.

2018 will be year of preparation for this baby to come! Preparation with a savings account and financial situations and major change in daycare is coming in September. So really just getting through winter spring and summer and being financially and emotionally ready.

Finacial -
I'd like to have a maternity leave savings
Have no credit card debt
Have 2017 taxes paid off

Have the upper level of our house decluttered and organized for baby
New flooring because it just can't wait
Have backyard garden and turf area finished.

For my routines that I would like to establish I could make an entire blog post and my planner reflects those goals, but realistically I would just like to better establish a morning routine which includes prayer and scripture and a better bed time routine with picking up, prepping next day, laying out clothe,s and nightly hygiene and planning time.
I also would like to get better at finishing my books! I have a list of books in my kindle that I would like to finish. I think nap time during the day should be my focused reading time. Instead of Facebook.

Church -
For Church I am happy with the Moms group and how that is going. I am a bit overwhelmed with the faith and family night teachings but I am managing and found a lot of love and growth in this commitment. I am going to take on Meadow Ladies Nights again, and I have some grand Ideas I would like to come to frution and to do some writing and preparing of that. But Now that I am pregnant I am feeling overwhelmed in that commitment, but I think God will guide and give me strength where I am lacking.

I still feel this call to help women and have some sort of a ministry of some type. As if its my true life's calling, but the details of this have yet to be revealed to me. So for now I am just going to work on getting closer with God and studying scripture. I have 1 follower of these blogs (my sister)..... But I feel compelled to keep going with them, and that they will serve a purpose of some sort!

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